Friday, April 20, 2007

Pundemonium: Someday Our Prints Will Come

…and now let's wash out our eyes with something slightly lighter-hearted. 

The usual goings-on go on at work, even while here on the blog I'm unwrapping a chocolate Jesus – and tearing into, let us say, the anti-chocolate faction

Earlier this week, one of my bosses – have I mentioned Kendra before? – was patiently looking over a long, impromptu demo that Ben was presenting for her in his office. It involved some pretty elaborate manipulations, via Microsoft Excel, of ways of converting various world currencies while calculating ranges of costs of living in different regions of various world countries. 

Ben's quite the wiz with Excel… and if I can make that program fetch and roll over, he can get it to fly without a cape, bark a sonnet, and draw nothing but aces from an unstacked deck. Anyway, I was just slightly auditing his demonstration and explanation to a very patient Kendra (I'm in the next cubicle over)… and hurriedly covered my mouth before I could laugh at her comment to wrap the demonstration up: "Well, I say it's fuzzy math – not because I don't understand it, but because I need glasses." 

And today Ben walked past my desk, grumbling, to the corner printer (his own must have been down). "Boy, this printer sucks!" he growled. 

I snorted as a kind of audible, nonverbal eye-rolling, and explained, "That's why it keeps pulling in paper, Ben."


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