My lovely, and very
conservative, friend Anon E. Mouse, also known as F1, is back. I thought one of my shots from the left had scared her away,
but fortunately that's not the case.
One of the things most
likely to get me "hopping mad" (as Dad used to say; RIP) is racism,
most especially the domestic American sort, since I was largely raised within
that culture. One of Mouse's friends alluded to it during one of our debates,
then backpedaled (and I did too, after calling him on it), but I didn't think
she'd subscribe to such a narrow-minded notion herself. I was disappointed to
receive the following email from her this morning.
First, though, let me
apologize sincerely for some of the words and terms used by the original
author, and (sadly) tacitly endorsed by my friend, an intelligent woman who
should know much better. I apologize as well for dirtying this site with the
author's assertion and notions; I most certainly do not share them. (I've
reformatted just a bit, and minimally
touched up some of the punctuation – as usual, hate literature betrays its
adherents' lack of sound education.):
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 9:23 AM
Subject: FW: Fw: Proud To Be White
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 9:23 AM
Subject: FW: Fw: Proud To Be White
Proud To Be White
[image: painting of a
rugged, older, gun-carrying cowboy]
Someone finally said it.
How many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian
Americans, Arab Americans, Native Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You Call me "White boy," "Cracker,"
"Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman"...
And that's OK.
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger,
Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink...
You call me a racist.
Also added is Nappy Headed HO's
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so
why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You Have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television)...
We'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day...
You would call us racists.
If we had White History Month
We'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to
"advance" OUR lives...
We'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of
And then we just have the
plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that?
If we had a college fund that only gave white students
You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the
Yet if there were "White colleges"…
THAT would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were
marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights,
You would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and
you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride...
You call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member
or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society...
You call him a racist.
I am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
There is nothing improper about this e-mail.
Let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
[image: painting of
cowboy father and son, riding horses]
I was livid. I stopped
what I was doing (something time-critical for the Director), sent back my
response. While it was aimed at all people who tout such a lowbrow life, my
phrasing may have made it come across to Mouse as blasting specifically at
Sent: Friday,
April 20, 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: Fw: Proud To Be White
Subject: RE: Fw: Proud To Be White
please! You want a real bigotry test? How many of you Dixie-flag saluters would
rather die than receive a blood transfusion from a man or woman of color? All
of you? No surprise there. Me, I'd be honored. How about serve as a missionary,
or doctor, or nurse, in Africa… or even Guadalajara? Or does your skin crawl
when a black man gets in line behind you at McDonald's?
as such is strictly a matter of melanin; it's controlled by genetics. Groups
banding together due to a melanin-rich genetic background (as mentioned by the
unnamed, bedsheet-wearing coward of an author who wrote that execrable piece)
have done so because power-wielding Caucasians oppressed them for generations;
the legacy can be seen in those statistics alluded to.
I want no
part of "white pride". These narrow-minded hypocritical bigots have
totally lost sight of the real "white pride" legacy: the whip-hand,
the lynching, the cross-burnings, kidnapped Africans stacked like cordwood in
leaking ships and dragged across the ocean to be sold like third-rate rotting
produce, and other horrors that assure the "whites-only" folks will
never be white-handed: generations of spilled blood do not wipe off
through sanctimonious, ignorant, fantasy-based "pride".
pride" can go to hell, and burn with every man and woman who'd rather spit
on a non-Caucasian than feed him, or bind his wounds, or give him a job. You go
ahead and form your lynch-mobs and hate-groups, and puff yourselves up
arrogantly; me, "may I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ" (Galatians 6:14)… the same cross you'd rather see burning
than redeeming. Perhaps it's that page out of Galatians you're using first as
Mouse responded very
Sent: Friday, April 20,
2007 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Fw: Proud To Be White
Subject: RE: Fw: Proud To Be White
AC, in all seriousness how come we're called racists yet
I can't call them racists when they spout off about Black History month, Miss
Black USA, etc. I'm tried of it all. Plus I'm tired off all the hoppla over
African American, you're either an American or you're not! What, should I call
myself a White American?
I gave her my response
in turn… calming down a bit a third of the way in:
Sent: Friday, April 20,
2007 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Fw: Proud To Be White
Subject: RE: Fw: Proud To Be White
Anyone is
a racist who rejects a fellow human on the basis of their ethnicity, especially
as manifested outwardly in the arguably insignificant difference of
skin-pigmentation. So an African-American who says his daughter may not marry a
Caucasian because he's a Caucasian is, yes, a racist. So is, say, a man
behind the microphone – with millions of adherents – who from his public
position mocks a group of people based on racially-identifiable features and
patterns of speech. So is a German (or Iranian) who wants to burn all people of
Jewish descent.
People of
all colors are equal in all ways by right of being children of God, and his
children on this earth. But those who resent a subgroup of their nation because
the nation's heritage has caused this subgroup to have greater needs that must
be attended to… are not just racists, but also ignorant, undereducated,
cultureless, overgrown infants who've forgotten history.
kindly: don't let the labels bother you. Here we are indeed all Americans. We
are all God's creation. And in this country we desperately need to rectify
generations of wrongs inflicted by our ancestors on fellow-citizens' ancestors.
If we can do that with open hearts and souls and minds, there'll no
longer be any need for NAACP, and no pseudo-justification for the Aryan
American, Caucasian-American… sure, why not? But most of these other groups
consist of folks who – within your own lifetime and mine – could not get a seat
at a lunch counter, let alone time under the spotlight to be told she's
beautiful inside and out. Laws passed from the mid-1860s to the mid-1960s were
enacted to give legal rights of equality to all our brothers and sisters in
Christ, here in America.
But you
can't legislate people's hearts or impulses. This comes only through keeping
the mind and eyes and heart open, the hands joined with them, and with your own
in prayer. Resenting someone at the very least because s/he has greater needs
describes the immature, and the bully. Spend a Sunday in a black church. Buy
and watch "Roots" (and "Schindler's List"
while you're at it). Borrow and read a copy of "Black Like Me" (I have one; have loaned it to an African-American
friend.) Spend Saturday in a soup kitchen.
We are
called to compassion, mercy, love, understanding. Admittedly, racist attitudes
make it hard for me to be compassionate. But remember what we were told about
sheep and goats in Matthew 25; I can only hope to be told that
"whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for
me". Nowhere does Jesus speak of color.
And I closed out the
email with a beautiful image of what might be called a more African-blooded Jesus. She did not comment
on the picture in her response… possibly he's unrecognizable out of her
personal context:
Sent: Friday, April 20,
2007 11:10 AM
Subject: dialogue
Subject: dialogue
I agree that we should help those less fortunate but, let's
just say we have perhaps a different background. I'm second generation
American. Both grandparents on both sides came over from Europe with only 1
suitcase and the determination to make a life for themselves and with grateful
heart to have the opportunity to come to America. They disembarked at Liberty
Island w/o knowing anyone here. Where they lived I don't know, but they had the
grit and determination to find work, whatever that was offered for pennies,
slept wherever a place was offered.
They didn't have organizations that taught them English
or helped them out with free food, free housing, they learned it from listening
to those around them speak, by listening to the radio and by WANTING to learn
the language. They also learned to save a few pennies at a time, and eventually
my one grandfather opened his own bakery, and the other from ground up learned
how to build homes.
My one grandmother was a seamstress and she cleaned
homes. I'm not an eloquent writer as you are AC, nor can I quote from the Bible
or other material with ease. But what I do know is that my grandparents weren't
looking for handouts, or someone to help them, they were glad to be in America
and they took pride in themselves. They also survived the Depression and being
grateful for the liberties that this land offered to them. All 6 sons served in
the military and were proud to do so.
I'm tried of these ungrateful masses that want us to bend
over backwards to help them, where we have to have their language on signs and
in printed material, because they don't want to learn OUR language yet want to
reap the benefits MY family bleed for to keep this nation free. I'm tired of
extending a helping hand and keeping quiet when they trash the values and
liberties my family worked and bleed for.
Having blown off most
of my steam (and accepted the foolishness of my friend), I sent one more
Sent: Friday, April 20,
2007 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: dialogue
Subject: RE: dialogue
Mouse, my
friend, I do agree with you on these latest points you make. You have every
reason to be deeply proud of your grandparents, and your heritage. (Please keep
in sight, though, that your grandparents were successes owing to hard,
dedicated work and focus, and not to the color of their skin.) And I'm
genuinely impressed with how they achieved their goals, becoming very much part
of America, and the American dream (which is far from dead).
And both
our families have seen difficulties in melding into a new country and culture;
my father survived the brutal and senseless carpet-bombing of his home-city in
northern Germany ("senseless" because I don't understand how a
beautiful cathedral – and tens of thousands of my dad's neighbors – were
justifiable military targets), and the several years of horrific starvation
afterward. His mother was strafed at by a low-flying British plane just for
fun; his father spent years in prison after the war for the crime of commanding
a ship that was defending his homeland; none of the family wanted anything to
do with the gang of brutal racist ideologues who had taken over their land, and
butchered their neighbors.
I have no
more patience for parasites than you do, Mouse. They leech off the hard work of
your grandparents and my (maternal) grandparents. I don't care how much or how
little pigmentation a parasite's skin carries; they have to contribute to
society if they are able – and by "able" I give a broad definition,
since we've both seen the commendable skill exhibited by our disabled (deaf, blind,
wheelchair-bound, etc.) friends and colleagues. Laziness is not an excuse, nor
is a shaky education. And if they are in this country illegally, they must face
the consequences: deportation… but encouragement to come back legally,
or face jail next time, and then deportation again.
But this
isn't the same issue as descendants of slaves associating together in civic
organizations to counter the currents of oppression, denial, and racism that
continue to exist in our country and society. The vast majority of these folks
are not welfare-sucking fast-food-junkie mamas lining up to appear on Jerry
Springer, or basketball-playing gangsters, or Nation-of-Islam fist-wavers still
looking to take down The Man, or drug-dealers endangering the darkened
street-corners. (The only crack addict I've ever known was a young white
parasites are in all colors, all ethnicities, all heritages. But to lump all
our African-American brothers and sisters in with them en masse because of
color, and some bad apples… does our dignity, and our country, and our
Christianity (or Judaism or Islam) a great disservice.
I talked
about this very issue with one of my black friends earlier today; he answered
simply and beautifully, "It's all about the blood, man." (He's a
single father whose wife died of cancer just a couple years ago; he's in the
Navy and has served this country honorably for over a decade.) And indeed it
is. Too much of it spilled, too much of it boiling for trivial reasons, too
much of it ignored or forgotten… and plenty of it still dripping from the
cross, poured forth for all people.
Please don't let the areas where you and I differ politically, and other
arenas, drive a wedge in here. I cherish your friendship, I admire your skills
and dedication, and remain amazed at things you've endured and survived and
moved beyond. This country – our very human species – thrives on dialog… and I
appreciate that there's a patch of earth in the middle where we can meet: as
dialoging humans, as friends, as fellow Christians on our knees together.
PPS: I'm
no Bible whiz, believe me! I might know a piece of a verse, but I have to look
it up online through several searches and links to find the one I had in mind. I
know I learn a lot in the process; I only hope it sinks in beyond this thick
This says most of where
I stand on these issues. I'm sure I'll need to say it again at some point. Father
Corapi points out that God placed limitations on human intelligence, but none
on our stupidity. Amen.
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