While I was
sleeping soundly in the wee hours this morning, having done a little
carbo-loading in advance of today's 5K-trot, Spartacus
was keying out a response to Mouse's "Proud to Be White" email. As I
mentioned not too long ago, Sparks cuts through most BS
like… well, like a plow cuts through a line of BS and turns it into fertilizer
for something much more tasty and far less objectionable.
I'm not
going to pass it along to Mouse (and Spart doesn't request it) for the very
reason he gives in his first paragraph. Spartacus, you've got the
I also received that same POS white pride
thingy you got from your mousey friend. I got it from an old(er) dear friend of
mine, and I knew from past experience that getting into it with him would serve
no useful purpose, so I just quietly trashed it.
Re Mousy's use of her grandparents as an
example--I love how many times that always gets trotted out to justify one's
racism. Hey guess what--my grandparents (on both sides) were immigrants too. In
spite of all the hardships they had to endure, they enjoyed the key and supreme
advantage of being WHITE in a white society!!! They also had an intact
(extended) family structure to help ease the transition (to a certain extent),
and they came from a culture which was basically similar to the one they found
in America.
Let's contrast that with the blacks,
whose families were torn apart by slavery, dragged here involuntarily to an
entirely alien environment and culture from what they had known--and no matter
how many generations they remain in this country they will always and forever
be recognized immediately as DIFFERENT solely because of the color of their
skin. Unfortunately nothing will really change until ALL people of all colors
wake up to truly believe in their hearts, as MLK used to say, that what is
important is not the color of a person's skin, but the "content of their
The white master race has ghettoized
blacks, demonized, marginalized, and humiliated them; cheated them at every
turn, spat on them despite their every effort to assimilate (anyone remember
the black volunteers from the Revolution, the Civil War, WWI, WWII. etc? How
about the Tuskegee Airmen?). Were their efforts appreciated? Were white minds
changed? No, instead they were segregated, lynched and exploited.
Millions of blacks, starting from even
before this country became the USA and continuing right on through today,
managed to live productive, crime free lives, many enduring the most grinding
and hopeless poverty imaginable (through no fault of their own other than
having a dark skin color), and yet it is so easy for even supposedly
educated intelligent white people to characterize the entire race as lazy,
shiftless, amoral criminals--and they do it with a straight face!!! And they
defend themselves!!!!!
Is the white race really so morally
perfect? Weren't some of the greatest murderers of all time white? Hitler and
Stalin come immediately to mind--between just the 2 of them we are talking
somewhere on the order of 40 MILLION or more dead! Any comparable black mass
murderers? Well, there was Idi Amin, some other two-bit African dictators,
Duvalier & son in Haiti, and some lesser known tribal elements including
the Hutus of Rwanda--collectively, their scores come nowhere near our two
paragons of white pride, der Fuehrer and good ol' Uncle Joe!
Some may say, "Hey, that's not fair,
you're talking about nationwide events and war!". OK, how about individual
murderers? Let's see, virtually all American serial killers have been white. I
can only recall one black serial killer, though I can't remember his name, he
was convicted for a bunch of child murders in Atlanta back in the '70s or '80s.
Anyway, he was strictly penny-ante compared to that shining example of white
patriotism, Timothy McVeigh, let alone the legions of other sick, white, mass
murdering bastards.
Moving on from murder, how about robbery,
and/or murder committed during robbery? All the famous vicious robber/murderers
of the Great Depression were white--Baby Face Nelson, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine
Gun Kelly, Ma Barker and her family, Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger. I
thought whites had a work ethic and knew how to hunker down and thrive during
economic adversity…?
The white race doesn't have to take a
back seat to anyone when it comes to criminality. There was also the virtual
genocide of the so-called "Indians" (the indigenous people of
America) at the hands of white folk, and the Ku Klux Klan, the Mafia--do I
really have to go on?! When will racists see how ridiculous their prejudices
are--just as the "white race" did not commit all the above listed
crimes, but rather white individuals and groups, so it is with the "black
race"--condemn the individual who is guilty of the crime, not an entire
race for the crimes of the individual. Why is that such a hard concept to
I also find it paradoxical that white
American culture, which has so universally condemned the black race, has also
almost equally universally embraced (and co-opted) other elements of black
culture. For instance, virtually the entire past 100 years of popular music in
America is the history of black-originated music--blues, ragtime, jazz, gospel,
R&B, soul, even rock & roll (don't believe that one--go listen to some
Big Joe Turner and then tell me otherwise--let alone Jimi Hendrix being the
greatest electric rock guitarist who ever lived!).
There's no
more I can add here. For those who feel similarly, there's no need to say more.
And for those who don't, there's nothing I (or Spartacus, or the ghosts of
Martin, Booker, or Jimi) could possibly go on with that would make the least
part of difference. It might help to buy a copy of "Crash", and
watch it… though I doubt even that would be much of step in turning the
shameful numbers around.
Let me close
with Spartacus's final word; he generally signs off his email with a great (and
generally previously unknown) quote; this one's by Amos Bronson Alcott: "Civilization
degrades the many to exalt the few."
brother. Let me hear you say Yeah!
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