Monday, May 12, 2008

Let Us Prey, Part 1: Using the Abused

One of my teen nieces, Casper, had need to travel to Washington DC last week. As good fortune would have it, I happened to have some unused (and unlikely-to-be-used) passes for the city's suburban mass-transit system; she made use of them, and saved herself some shekels.
There are several hub stations one is likely to pass through when mass-transiting into and out of the immediate DC environs, and Casper was one of many thousands of people who transferred from rails to bus at one of these, Shady Grove MD, that day. (Been through there a number of times myself, of course, over the years… and still prefer the hubs in Köln and Luxemburg.)
The next day, I happened to be available to take her to school, since she doesn't drive yet, and she and her family conveniently live not too terribly away from me. She wanted to read me something from a sheet of paper some urgent person had pressed on her there at Shady Grove; and she warned me I might be offended to hear what it said. Naah, I told her, I don't offend easily. Embarrass, yes.
Instead, though, Cas told me what the sheet was about: someone protesting the very real, very painful issue of pedophile priests. No, I was not offended; of course not – I hope to be a priest someday myself, or at the very least a member of an avowed-religious community. Let me tell you that my blood grows chill, in fact, at stories of children abused in any way, most especially in so vulnerable a way, and at the hands of a trusted person (relative, teacher, coach, clergy, and so on). I remember once, some years ago, breaking down in tears when I saw hidden-camera footage of a baby being beaten by her trusted caregiver.
Back to the sheet Cas had. I asked her to let me have it, and she did, and I read it – and brother, is it a horrid mess of vicious, anti-Catholic hatred. I've seen (and heard) the like before over the years, although this particular piece of vitriolic invective is especially insidious in its using the genuine, ongoing suffering of abused children to further the writer's contempt for the Catholic Church… at the wounded children's expense.
My blog is a tiny mosaic-tile of cobblestone-block in the marketplace of ideas; I encourage the free exchange of opinion and experience here… although MT2mb is not a democracy, and I myself choose what to post, a nd what comments to accept/publicize. In the interest of airing out something particularly, repugnantly putrid, I'm going to go right ahead and put that fellow's screed up here. (NB: by "something… putrid", I'm speaking specifically of that piece of malicious filth he (or one of his associates) was handing out (including to our little Casper), much more so than of the heart-wrenching abuse, its aftereffects, and the inexcusable (even arrogant), cold stupidity of some Church officials who sought to hide and/or bury the issue.
However: I will follow up this excrement with several days of tearing it apart, piece by piece – not overlooking or downplaying the genuine suffering experienced by too many children in the Church. I'm leaving out only seven website URLs he added in the margins, but am including – extremely out of keeping in this forum – the author's real name, as given on the sheet. You're welcome to google up the fellow and his garbage yourself – and please make sure you follow it up with reviewing counterpoints and counterarguments as well.
Following is the full text of that pernicious, pestilential broadside. Noses pinched shut? Good; here it is – I include all misspellings, inconsistent capitalization and punctuation, etc., and will address his last item – slavery – first tomorrow:
to the victims of the roman catholic PLAGUE
john wojnowski
Moral Imbecility and the Vatican
There is a simple explanation as to why it took the popes in Rome two hundred years to admit that Galileo was right and indeed it is the earth that goes around the sun. Ignorance and cowardice.
Ignorance and cowardice also explains why the know-it-all original bigots and the inventors of anti-Semitism needed over a century to concede that Darwin was also right and evolution is indeed a fact.
It may not be immediately obvious but ignorance and cowardice also keep the arrogant and childishly delusional Roman Catholic Church from discarding the strange medieval folly of the bizarre notion of priestly "celibacy".
Mother Nature is not insulted with impunity. Trapped by delusion or cowardice in a system that abhors independent thinking and rewards servility, the Catholic priestood's unfortunate reality is moral eunuchood, the price to be paid for accepting a culture of hypocrisy and shame.
Healthy individuals with integrity cannot stomach the stench of hypocrisy and leave the priesthood.
In a culture of shame a robust moral eunuchood is the ticket for a career in the Catholic hierarchy.
Easy proof and evidence: in 2002 then cardinal Ratzinger, in one elaborate and authoritative sounding whopper, a criminally ignorant or criminally mendacious statement, one brazen big lie that would have made Joseph Goebbels proud, claimed that less than one percent of Catholic priests sexually molest children!
Whoever cares enough to investigate can easily find out the tragic truth. Despite the secrecy, the stonewalling and the nature of the crime that prevents the great majority of the victims from coming forward and telling, the figure of eleven percent is closer to the number of priests who were caught. That is ONLY THE PRIESTS WHO WERE EXPOSED!
Prior to 2002 the Vatican was actually complaining that prison was too harsh a penalty for pedophiles!
To pacify public opinion, the Catholic Church in 2002 finally conceded that abusing children sexually is a crime but it is very evident that the Vatican hierarchy, in its stunted and ignorant inner core, trapped by moral imbecility in moral darkness, still does not grasp the essence of the problem.
While making excuses and a big show of addressing the scandal, even defrocking sick individuals, not only are the protectors, the enablers, the criminal drivers of get-away cars rewarded and promoted but the victims are re-victimized and insulted.
My personal experience does not reflect well on the Catholic Church.
Common sense suggests that the Vatican's waging a vicious, dastardly & vile beyond any standard All boundaries of human decency, now ten years long campaign, PURE EVIL, against a lone, crippled, innocent victim crying for justice, could not just be the madness of some obscure, pathological country priest hiding in some Italian village.
It may be prudent for Pope Benedict XVI to do the right thing and retire the responsible sanctimonious degenerate, this COWARD and sadist, with the abhorrent morals of a Dr Joseph Mengele, before the psychopath provokes a scandal.
clue? WHO could be the creep? Indeed the identity of this MORAL MONSTER, disgusting human being and ranking sociopath may forever remain a mystery safely hidding in the secret Vatican archives, but most of his accomplices can be easily recognized. [image of a priest's collar]
These ten years are evidence of the moral malignancy of cowardly hypocrites, stunted provincial minds trapped in a parasitic institution where a Dark Ages lunacy, the half-baked scheme of clerical celibacy, is called a "GIFT" and the Church's "brilliant jewel"!
clue? The creep may also share Goebbles and Mengele's first name.
The Vatican Hierarchy *
A Comedy of Hypocrisy
A mafia of careerists, with dreams of world domination, overtaken by History, rife with scandals, preying on the credulous "faithful", the Catholic hierarchy, a relict from an era of ignorance and despotism, is a crude and deluded parasite looking for ways to perpetuate the illusion of Humanity's weird nightmare.
The "faithful": dim, gullible, vulnerable Humanity, the unfortunate individuals brain-washed in infancy, the terminally naive, the ignorant & the retarded.
* (Trapped in a vicious circle that is dependent on a large but obviously less than brilliant recruitment pool, we now find, leading & defending the Vatican's financial empire, the intellectually limited and the morally bankrupt.)
… work in progress …
The Catholic hierarchy, this mafia of narrow-minded careerists, stunted lives, contemptible hypocrites trapped in a parasitic institution, has only itself to blame for all the scandals that plague its troubled existence.
Relying on Humanity's ignorance for its survival, facing progress, the Catholic Church inevitably finds itself ALWAYS on the wrong side of History.
Progress-haters of necessity always fighting Humanity's advances, basic milestones come to mind, how the Magna Carta was attacked, how the printing press was cursed by the then Pope as the "devil's invention", how Democracy was vilified, and how even slavery was justified as a God willed natural condition!
These are legitimate concerns about the competence of individuals who confront the problems of life mumbling "Rosaries".
What is troubling, and the "Founding Fathers" must be spinning in their graves, is the fact of the five Roman Catholic Justices ready to drop on their knees to kiss the hand of pope Benedict XVI, a confirmed liar & pedophile's protector, a sanctimonious charlatan product of a culture of ignorance, hypocrisy, cowardice & delusion claiming to be the supreme moral authority in the whole universe, are sitting on the Supreme Court of the Land.
[inserted and referenced at "how… slavery was justified":]
"Slavery itself, considered as such in its essential nature, is not at all contrary to the natural and divine law, and there can be several just titles of slavery and these are referred to by approved theologians and commentators of the sacred canons… It is not contrary to the natural and divine law for a slave to be sold, bought, exchanged or given".
Pius IX (Instruction 20 June 1866 AD). J. F. MAXWELL, 'The Development of Catholic Doctrine Concerning Slavery', World Jurist 11 (1969-70) pp. 306-307..
Folks, please don't be stupid by concluding that everything he says must be true because it's scandalous, okay? That's playing right into his hands, if you'll pardon the expression.
See this space tomorrow.

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