Monday, June 25, 2007

Way, Way Out

Other than the 1,530 spams I've garnered (and I'm not kidding, either) since late January…
…only once have I gotten a response to my postings that might be from so far out of left field as to have originated in another ballpark entirely. That was in early March, when I was commenting on another blog that had spotlighted a Cardinal's assertion that the Antichrist would be a liberal.
In that blog, I first pondered the nature of the Antichrist, based on biblical revelation as explained by Christ's teaching arm, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and intuiting my way cautiously from there. On reflection, it seemed to me that, yes, the Antichrist would almost have to be a liberal (and I'm speaking as a man firmly left of center, no less). This is troubling.
And someone happened on that posting of mine and responded; though I'm certainly not in strong agreement with him, I gave him the soapbox so as to add another voice. We exchanged opinions for a bit, and I think both benefited from the dialog.
The second respondent… well, he seemed at the least to be an anti-Semite Islamist – so I kindly aired his dirty laundry, in a manner of speaking, toward the end of that same post. He had written (and sic):
Zionism (of the Judaizer) is the force that seeks to be higher then the most high. The zionist is he who seeks a pervese dual-covenant with god. Zionism is god, and god is zionism: the jewish people are their own Messiah, "Israel is our best friend", believed by the likes of our President and Pat Robertson.The anti-christ is identified, no further speculation or numerology required, it should be obvious to any Christian that these Zionists are our Satanic Agent Provocateurs.
The fellow knows little about Judaism and the history of God's covenant-making throughout Jewish religious writings (e.g., Moses and Noah, to name two of at least seven) – particularly the portion inherited by Christians as the Old Testament. He also seemed ignorant of the humble pacifism that's at the heart of Islam… and which is largely overlooked as well by far too many of Muhammad's heirs.
So with genuine khutzpah, I lectured him on Islam. No response back; Allahu akbar.
Well. Yesterday's post where I mused on the mercy of Jesus as judge earned me this response from somewhere in outer space:
My inaugural address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions! The Secret Rapture soon, by my hand!
He added, Read My Inaugural Address, and also provided a link to his site:
This chap… well, I'd like to call him a complete wack-a-doo, a total nutcase, but that would be judgmental. Suffice it to say that he wasn't just from beyond left field… he seemed to have originated in another sports league altogether.
Don't take my word for it; check this merry fellow out and see how he comes across to you. Judgmentality warning: I think he's done a few too many psilocybin mushrooms and/or licked more than his share Colorado River toads, maybe also taken in one too many Roswell events.
I've run out of time this evening, but I'd really like to have a go at this tomorrow from a couple different directions:
  • There will be no "rapture".
  • Jesus as an alien… and God driving a flying saucer, for that matter.
I'll need to stop snickering first, though. (I've quoted the Good Admiral Heinlein on this before: One man's theology is another man's belly-laugh.)

1 comment:

  1. The gent checked back in, and responded:

    Secret Rapture Jul 12, 2007
    I am for sure a far out Space Cadet!
