Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Real Time... Coming Up!

Among plenty of other things I've been doing, these last few weeks, has been the transferal of my blog from its old site at WordPress to its new host here at BlogSpot – mostly to give me the kind of text formatting WordPress no longer provides, and which I have to have – you know I'm very visual, and need to be able to switch fonts and text colors (even sizes) in mid-posting.
There's no handy tool or app that would let me bulk-move the whole thing, as I explained a couple months ago. So I've had to transfer each old posting, one at a time. But… this has allowed me to catch and correct ancient typos that had slipped by, various other errata, and to update hyperlinks (which I've done only in some instances… come on, guys – a lot of it is… old stuff!! )
As of this evening, I've relocated and spruced up two-hundred old postings, leaving just fifty-some more, and then the job is done, done-done-done dunnnn.
As I expected, I also found plenty of loose ends (besides dead links), and sketches of postings I'd hoped to write up and get out there… all those years ago. Some I may still do; we'll see. In the meantime, it's back to work – another week or two should do it; whew!
After that, yes, there'll be back-and-fill even while I move forward. Most of that I'll drop in, when I do, simply as background – stage props to strengthen the context and depth of what's here and now… and where we're headed.
Till then… ciao!

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