evening, for the first time ever, I switched off the saintly Father
Benedict Groeschel just a few minutes into his weekly live program.
I was so angry at his take and insistence that Catholics – that Christians
– cannot vote for any candidate who supports access-at-will to abortions
(regardless of any other position said candidate may hold). After fifteen
minutes I cooled down enough to switch him back on, and listened to the rest of
the program.
truly love and admire this holy man, but I absolutely cannot follow behind him
on this; in any other issue, I'm there, and most unworthily. Not this. I am
totally opposed to abortion, but – as I've been decrying loud-and-strong the
last few weeks – I simply will not jump into metaphorical, political bed with
the Repugnicant… er, Republican candidate for President because he espouses the
same view. Nor his confrรจres.
Barack Obama's claim is true, that Senator McPain – excuse me; I'm hitting the
wrong keys again – that Senator McCain's voting record of the past eight years
shows him lockstep with George Duh-bya ninety percent (or even just, say, sixty
percent) of the time... then we can't expect an immediate about-face into a
whole new world of "change" and freshness. McCain says, "Look at
my record!" And that's what troubles me… among much else in his campaign.
"Troubles"? Frightens!
if he follows in the footsteps – i.e., the dance-steps laid out and painted by
the Repugnicant-party machine – of the current badministration, then we can
expect even more Hell-in-a-handbasket. I'm not talking abortion now; I'm
talking favoring the corporate world at the expense of the individual, and of
the environment.
Washington (DC) Post of this past Friday, October 31, carried the front-page article I reproduce in full below,
with the article's own hyperlinks (and punctuation). We cannot let our next
president follow through on the abomination our "Commander"-in-chimp
is already shoving through the pipeline at us… and rotsa ruck overturning these
slaps to our faces, and further ruination of our economy, our rights, and our
very world:
A Last Push to Deregulate
White House to Ease Many Rules
White House to Ease Many Rules
By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 31, 2008; A01
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 31, 2008; A01
The White House is
working to enact a wide array of federal regulations, many of which would
weaken government rules aimed at protecting consumers and the environment,
before President Bush leaves
office in January.
The new rules would be among the most controversial deregulatory
steps of the Bush era and could be difficult for his successor to undo. Some
would ease or lift constraints on private industry, including power plants,
mines and farms.
Those and other regulations would help clear obstacles to some
commercial ocean-fishing activities, ease controls on emissions of pollutants
that contribute to global warming, relax drinking-water standards and lift a
key restriction on mountaintop coal mining.
Once such rules take effect, they typically can be undone only
through a laborious new regulatory proceeding, including lengthy periods of
public comment, drafting and mandated reanalysis.
"They want these rules to continue to have an impact long
after they leave office," said Matthew Madia, a regulatory expert at OMB
Watch, a nonprofit group critical of what it calls the Bush administration's
penchant for deregulating in areas where industry wants more freedom. He called
the coming deluge "a last-minute assault on the public . . . happening on
multiple fronts."
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said:
"This administration has taken extraordinary measures to avoid rushing
regulations at the end of the term. And yes, we'd prefer our regulations stand
for a very long time -- they're well reasoned and are being considered with the
best interests of the nation in mind."
As many as 90 new regulations are in the works, and at least nine
of them are considered "economically significant" because they impose
costs or promote societal benefits that exceed $100 million annually. They
include new rules governing employees who take family- and medical-related
leaves, new standards for preventing or containing oil spills, and a simplified
process for settling real estate transactions.
While it remains unclear how much the administration will be able
to accomplish in the coming weeks, the last-minute rush appears to involve
fewer regulations than Bush's predecessor, Bill Clinton, approved
at the end of his tenure.
In some cases, Bush's regulations reflect new interpretations of
language in federal laws. In other cases, such as several new counterterrorism
initiatives, they reflect new executive branch decisions in areas where
Congress -- now out of session and focused on the elections -- left the
president considerable discretion.
The burst of activity has made this a busy period for lobbyists
who fear that industry views will hold less sway after the elections. The doors
at the New Executive Office Building have been whirling with corporate
officials and advisers pleading for relief or, in many cases, for hastened
decision making.
According to the Office of Management and Budget's regulatory calendar, the commercial scallop-fishing
industry came in two weeks ago to urge that proposed catch limits be eased,
nearly bumping into National Mining Association officials making the case for
easing rules meant to keep coal slurry waste out of Appalachian streams. A few
days earlier, lawyers for kidney dialysis and biotechnology companies
registered their complaints at the OMB about new Medicare reimbursement
rules. Lobbyists for customs brokers complained about proposed counterterrorism
rules that require the advance reporting of shipping data.
Bush's aides are acutely aware of the political risks of
completing their regulatory work too late. On the afternoon of Bush's inauguration,
Jan. 20, 2001, his chief of staff issued a government-wide memo that blocked
the completion or implementation of regulations drafted in the waning days of
the Clinton administration that had not yet taken legal effect.
"Through the end of the Clinton administration, we were
working like crazy to get as many regulations out as possible," said
Donald R. Arbuckle, who retired in 2006 after 25 years as an OMB official.
"Then on Sunday, the day after the inauguration, OMB Director Mitch Daniels called me
in and said, 'Let's pull back as many of these as we can.' "
Clinton's appointees wound up paying a heavy price for
procrastination. Bush's team was able to withdraw 254 regulations that covered
such matters as drug and airline safety, immigration and indoor air pollutants.
After further review, many of the proposals were modified to reflect Republican
policy ideals or scrapped altogether.
Seeking to avoid falling victim to such partisan tactics, White
House Chief of Staff Joshua B. Bolten in May imposed a Nov. 1 government-wide deadline to finish
major new regulations, "except in extraordinary circumstances."
That gives officials just a few more weeks to meet an effective
Nov. 20 deadline for the publication of economically significant rules, which
take legal effect only after a 60-day congressional comment period. Less
important rules take effect after a 30-day period, creating a second deadline
of Dec. 20.
OMB spokeswoman Jane Lee said that Bolten's memo was meant to
emphasize the importance of "due diligence" in ensuring that
late-term regulations are sound. "We will continue to embrace the thorough
and high standards of the regulatory review process," she said.
As the deadlines near, the administration has begun to issue
regulations of great interest to industry, including, in recent days, a rule
that allows natural gas pipelines to operate at higher pressures and new
Homeland Security rules that shift passenger security screening
responsibilities from airlines to the federal government. The OMB also approved
a new limit on airborne emissions of lead this month, acting under a
court-imposed deadline.
Many of the rules that could be issued over the next few weeks
would ease environmental regulations, according to sources familiar with
administration deliberations.
A rule put forward by the National Marine Fisheries Service and now under final review by the OMB would lift a
requirement that environmental impact statements be prepared for certain
fisheries-management decisions and would give review authority to regional
councils dominated by commercial and recreational fishing interests.
An Alaska commercial fishing source, granted anonymity so he could
speak candidly about private conversations, said that senior administration
officials promised to "get the rule done by the end of this month"
and that the outcome would be a big improvement.
Lee Crockett of the Pew Charitable Trusts'
Environment Group said the administration has received 194,000 public comments
on the rule and protests from 80 members of Congress as well as 160
conservation groups. "This thing is fatally flawed" as well as
"wildly unpopular," Crockett said.
Two other rules nearing completion would ease limits on pollution
from power plants, a major energy industry goal for the past eight years that
is strenuously opposed by Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups.
One rule, being pursued over some opposition within the Environmental Protection Agency, would allow current emissions at a power plant to match
the highest levels produced by that plant, overturning a rule that more
strictly limits such emission increases. According to the EPA's estimate, it
would allow millions of tons of additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
annually, worsening global warming.
A related regulation would ease limits on emissions from
coal-fired power plants near national parks.
A third rule would allow increased emissions from oil refineries,
chemical factories and other industrial plants with complex manufacturing
These rules "will force Americans to choke on dirtier air for
years to come, unless Congress or the new administration reverses these
eleventh-hour abuses," said lawyer John Walke of the Natural Resources Defense Council.
But Scott H. Segal, a Washington lawyer and chief spokesman for
the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council, said that "bringing common
sense to the Clean Air Act is the best way to enhance energy efficiency and
pollution control." He said he is optimistic that the new rule will help
keep citizens' lawsuits from obstructing new technologies.
Jonathan Shradar, an
EPA spokesman, said that he could not discuss specifics but added that "we
strive to protect human health and the environment." Any rule the agency
completes, he said, "is more stringent than the previous one."
help us all.
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