I've been looking over the WordPress
site since Day One (1/28/07, if you're not keeping track… and why should you?).
I've said before that I want to see how other blogs are put together – not the
mechanics of it just yet, but what overall effect the author/designer has
achieved. And I'm quite curious about how some of the writers interact (having
dropped the occasional comment at other folks' blogs myself).
And I like the blog-categories I've
been coming up with… and because they're so original, they don't show up on WordPress's
Top One-Hundred-Or-So Categories of the Hour. I don't want to show off,
really! I'm fine sitting way off to the side, tapping away here, while the big
players plow into each other, set off fireworks, crank up the music, levitate
while twanging their sitar, and so on.
Still, I'd like my content here to
be realistically accessible, findable. E.g., the reader who tracked me down last week in regards
to family history must have been doing a search by last name (she explained
that she's descended from someone with the same family-name as a near-ancestor
I'd referenced in a posting), else there's no way she would have found what I
had to say about a possible person in common we may have (unlikely, though,
with the commonality of the names involved).
So I warmed up another slice of
humble pie that I keep in the freezer (not from the big batch I chowed down on
after shredding a sloppy conservative a week or two ago; I'd
finished all that), and relabeled all my categories to match a dozen or so
among WordPress's toppermost-of-the-poppermost. This also entailed slightly
retitling just about all the posts I've put up thus far, but at least it's
done. But this is pretty much the only blasted way I'm going to be within reach
at all, short of my putting lit signboards all around, oh, I don't know;
Boston? Except… that's been done. Pass.
Meanwhile, to dream and perchance to
sleep; I'm overdue for turning in.
¡Buenos nachos, muchachos!
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